Hydrogen Carbon Cleaning
HHO provides a mobile preventative maintenance service on all internal combustion engines. Carbon buildup in the combustion chamber is the common culprit in many issues that rob an engine of horsepower and drivability. This buildup adds friction and inefficiency to the combustion equation and cumulatively decreases the performance that the engine had when it was new.
Our hydrogen carbon cleaning uses distilled water and electrolysis to produce Oxyhydrogen gas which is introduced to the air intake of engines. The reaction during the combustion causes a phase change in carbon deposits, returning to a gaseous state, which is then expelled through the exhaust system.
Old or new, our engine carbon cleaning system can produce significant results including restored performance, increased fuel economy, and lowered emissions. No invasive engine tear down required. No oil change needed after the service. Providing the service is a low labor activity that takes approximately 5 minutes to attach or detach after the 25-45 minute service is completed.