2F., No.160, Sec. 2, Minzu Rd.,West Central Dist.
Tainan City
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海尼根啤酒是由海尼根啤酒、台灣茉香綠茶加上另外8種果汁特調而成。喝起來會有特殊的水果香味,跟淡淡的啤酒味,Mr. Sun獨家招牌.在台灣6個月銷售250萬杯 ● Mr. Sun's world-famous star drinks, made from Heineken beer, Taiwanese green tea, and a unique blend of another 8 k ...
三種口味珍珠搭配伯爵奶茶一次滿足您的味蕾。 The combo of Earl Grey and 3 flavors of Mr. Sun hand-made boba that would delight your taste buds.
每天現場手工製作的草莓珍珠奶茶,是由天然的樹薯粉,以草莓熬醬製作的低卡低熱量珍珠搭配伯爵奶茶而成的極致享受。 The combo of Earl Grey milk tea and Mr. Sun's hand-made low-calorie boba, made from natural tapioca powder and strawberry purée, produced on the ...
滿杯紅鑽西柚是由新鮮現挖的西柚,台灣茉香綠茶及Mojito特調混搭而成,可以喝得到西柚的果肉及水果皮香。 The combo of fresh grapefruit, Taiwanese green tea, and Mojito. You can taste the grapefruit granules and the aroma of the fruit peel.
每天現場手工製作的芒果珍珠奶茶,是由天然的樹薯粉、以芒果醬製作的低卡低熱量珍珠搭配伯爵奶茶而成的極致享受。 The combo of Earl Grey milk tea and Mr. Sun's hand-made low-calorie boba, made from natural tapioca powder and mango purée, produced on the premis ...
草莓牛奶與草莓珍珠的簡單搭配卻能帶出純粹的香濃韻味,吃得到的草莓顆粒也讓這杯特調更有層次! The perfect match of Mr. Sun's hand-made strawberry boba and exclusive strawberry milkshake with strawberry granules. Simple and Perfect.
喝起來有香濃的芝士味,搭配上酸酸甜甜的草莓烏龍,讓你一口接一口。 This Mr. Sun’s star product delivers the exquisite taste of fragrant milk foam and sweet-and-sour strawberry oolong that makes your day.
香濃的奶蓋,加上Mr. Sun獨家的愛爾蘭糖漿,搭配伯爵紅茶,獨特口味茶香及綿密口感讓您喝過就忘不了。 The Fragrant milk foam with Irish syrup and Earl Grey makes this drink taste delightful smooth, and creamy.
滿杯黃鑽百香是由新鮮的百香果汁,加上純手工黑糖珍珠及椰果混搭而成,可以喝得到百香果的顆粒及滿嘴的幸福。 Fragrant passion fruit juice plus Mr. Sun's hand-made brown sugar boba and coconut jelly. You can taste the granules of passion fruit, enjoying a mo ...
新鮮芋頭打成泥加黑糖珍珠及鮮奶 The exquisite combo of fresh milk, Mr. Sun's hand-made brown sugar boba along with premium taro purée.